The beautiful days of Fall are nearly here! You may think that fewer hours of daylight and cooler temperatures mean that you can pack your sun protection away until next year. Don’t fall for it!
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September Newsletter
Vol. 9 | September 2023

The beautiful days of Fall are nearly here!  You may think that fewer hours of daylight and cooler temperatures mean that you can pack your sun protection away until next year. Don’t fall for it!    

It’s important to protect yourself every day, no matter the season, because sun damage is cumulative. Every time you expose your face, neck, chest, ears or hands to the sun’s rays, the damage increases, along with your risks of premature aging and skin cancer.  

So, whether you are outside walking your dog, or heading to the coffee shop for a pumpkin spiced latte, or tossing a ball around with friends, remember to layer with clothing, apply sunscreen, grab your cozy sweater, sunglasses and wide-brimmed hat.  

Fall Into Healthy Skin 

Back to School Sun Protection Tips 

Don’t Fall for It: You Still Need Sun Protection 

Layering Is the Key 

Cycling and Sun Protection

Dr. Sarnoff Says

A PSA From Paul O’Neill & Michael Kay

“Enjoy the outdoors, but enjoy it safely. Wear your sunscreen and get screened.” Watch Paul O’Neill’s Skin Cancer Awareness PSA with Michael Kay.  

Destination Healthy Skin Wraps Up a Successful Season!

It’s been a busy year for Destination Healthy Skin! We’ve traveled around the country, providing free skin cancer screenings and education. 

In total, we have held 42 events, where 66 volunteer dermatologists have provided 1,845 free skin exams. The doctors identified 788 potential skin cancers and precancers, including 44 suspected melanomas.  

These powerful numbers are only part of the story. Perhaps even more significant, many of people we served told us that if we do not come to their community, they would not have gotten screened for skin cancer. This vital public health service can and does save lives. 

Read our latest update

Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 –  October 15 

You may not think that people who identify as Hispanic or Latino/Latina are at risk for sunburns or skin cancer. They are at risk, though, and some are at high risk. Our expert explains why

September 24 is World Cancer Research Day 

World Cancer Research Day is global movement to raise awareness about the importance of cancer research. 

Since 1981, The Skin Cancer Foundation has awarded more than $2 million in research grants to encourage ideas in skin cancer prevention, detection and treatment to bloom and flourish. 

We will be announcing the 2023 Research Grants awardees later this month. Find out more about the program.

On the Blog 

Build the way you want

Ask the Expert: Is Skin Protection More Important During “Sun Season”? 

Why are there more stories about sun protection in the summer? Is there really a “sun season”? Protect your skin all year long! 

Build the way you want

Celebrities and Skin Cancer – They’re Just Like Us 

Celebrities like Jimmy Buffett, Hugh Jackman, Khloe Kardashian, Bob Marley and Terry Bradshaw have all battled skin cancer. 

Build the way you want

Can Working as a Firefighter Increase Your Risk of Skin Cancer? 

Firefighters risk their lives running into burning buildings, but the menace doesn’t come just from the fire. They may face an increased risk for developing melanoma, the most dangerous of the three most common types of skin cancer. 

Petition Update: Thank You for Your Support! 

With your amazing support, we were able to surpass our goal, getting a total of 7,714 signatures on our petition with Refinery29, urging the FDA to finalize a rule banning indoor tanning for teens.  

When we started this initiative, we knew it would be something that resonated with you, but we are truly blown away by your support and cannot thank you enough!   

We have sent the official letter, with all our signatures, to Washington DC, and are pushing to get this rule finalized. Stay tuned for updates. As we learn more, we will share it here.  

View the petition and signatures. 

Review Us on Great Nonprofits 

If you love our work, please tell the world!  Reviews from people like you will help us make an even bigger impact in our community. GreatNonprofits – the #1 source of nonprofit stories and feedback – is honoring highly regarded nonprofits with their 2023 Top-Rated List. Please help us raise visibility for our work by posting a review of your experience with us. 

Write a review 

Monthly Giving: Join Our Skin Protection Fund 

Join our community of monthly donors and become a member of the Skin Protection Fund (SPF). Your recurring gift will steadily support the lifesaving programs of the Foundation and help us educate the public and the medical community about skin cancer, its prevention by means of sun protection, the need for early detection and prompt, effective treatment. Learn more and donate here

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